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  • Anne-Marie

Carers Centre - Supporting Carers in Bath

Are you a carer in Bath and North East Somerset? Have you registered with the Carers Centre? Did you know that the Carers Centre can help you to be healthier and more active?

The Carers' Centre can offer you a FREE 30 minute health check with our Community Activator team.

The Community Activators, Kath and Jane, can help you to:

* Increase your physical activity * Get involved with a group near you * Offer advice and ideas * Provide health / exercise related breaks and passes (like a 3 month gym pass).

If you are a Carer then you need to register with the Carers Centre and then have a Healthcheck, at the end of which you will discuss with Jane or Kath what break would be most suited to your health and well-being needs. I am delighted to say that I am registered as a Carers Treat provider and can offer carers a couple of holistic therapy sessions to promote relaxation.

For further information or to book a Health Check and break, please contact the Carers’ Centre on: 0800 0388 885 or email:

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